- Any logistic service provider or Distributor (on its own initiative or on the request of a chemical company) may decide to have an SQAS assessment performed.
- The company to be assessed has to select an assessor from the list of Accredited SQAS Assessors. The assessor’s territory is defined on the SQAS website. Assessors can work outside their territory only if they comply with the requirements set in section 4.7 of the “SQAS/ESAD Guidelines”.
- The company to be assessed fills in the Pre-Assessment Document (PAD) from the SQAS website.
- The filled in PAD has to be sent to one or several assessor(s) by the company to be assessed
- The assessor determines the time needed to carry out the assessment on the basis of the information provided in the PAD by the company to be assessed.
- The assessor will enters a planned assessment pre-notification in the system at the latest three weeks before the start of the assessment. This pre-notification contains the contact name and e-mail of the assessed company. Cefic may verify if the pre-notification is in conformity with the SQAS process.
- The agreement is sent to the authorized Manager from the company to be assessed (or his representative), who acknowledges and electronically signs the agreement to authorise the inclusion of the assessment report in the electronic SQAS database.
- The assessor carries out the assessment.
You are requested to sign the electronic agreement. Please click on the hyperlink in the auto responder e-mail to authorize the assessment. In case the hyperlink doesn`t work please follow this alternative procedure:
- Open the SQAS web site: https://www.sqas.org
- Click on Planning and on the left hand menu go to “Sign agreement”
- The system will now ask you to fill in your Pre-notification code
- Click on the Enter button to authorize the assessment.
- Please, go to https://www.sqas.org/accredited-assessors.php
- Select the country were the assessment will take place by using the drop-down list “Country” and press “Search”. The list of assessors who can carry out assessments in that country will be shown. If you do not find the country go to the next step.
- Using the drop-down list “Territory”, select the country where the assessment will take place, select “all” in the drop-down list “Country” and press “Search”. The list of assessors who can carry out assessments in that country will be shown.
- You can find the assessor’s contact details by clicking on the name of the assessor